We are a Flooring and Carpet Storage Specialist based in Potters Bar, within 5 minutes of Junction 23 M25/A1.
- Price show is per week or part week
- Size: up to 7m x width
- 24/7 Security
- Clean cutting area
per week- No VAT
- Price show is per week or part week
- Size: 7m and above
- 24/7 Security
- Clean cutting area
full bay Price From- No VAT
- Full bay rental
- Minimum 1 month rental, 3 months rental in advance
- 24/7 Security
- Clean cutting area
Palletised Storage from £16.00 per week
We do not have waste disposal facilities on site. However, there is a local waste disposal site, where you can apply for an account and deal direct for disposal of your own waste. We can supply details of this site if required.
FSUK offer a fully managed storage facility for flooring companies, our services include:
Receiving, checking and booking in of all deliveries. You order with your supplier as normal, but have stock delivered to our warehouse. On receipt we assign each item a stock code, and email you to notify you of its arrival, and its unique stock number.
Pulling your stock items ready for your fitting teams (cutting plans can be sent over to be printed for your fitters).
Storage customers get use of the 12m indoor cutting floor. We have a fully stocked On Site Trade Counter.
Call Flooring Storage UK now on 01707 245 999 to start saving time and money.
I would say using Flooring Storage UK saves me the equivalent of 1 days’ work every week.

Flooring Storage UK
Unit 9 The Summit Centre
Summit Road
Potters Bar
Tel: 01707 245999